Profhilo – Does it actually work?

Profhilo – Does it actually work?

I have to admit that as someone who loves the general maintenance anti wrinkle injections (and maybe a touch of filler here and there) I wasn’t sold on the idea of Profhilo. I love the instant results a treatment can provide, so the thought of waiting some 6 weeks for the final results to take effect… Well, I’d rather just get some filler!

Sadly, filler doesn’t fix everything.

It wasn’t until I had a conversation with our Aesthetic Practitioner Melissa, that I became aware that the lower part of my face was starting to get ‘crepey’ – that so-called nice word practitioners use to describe skin that lacks firmness, and is wrinkled in texture. Literally like crepe paper… I mean honestly, it’s a tough pill to swallow!

I use high end skincare at home and cover my skin in layers of makeup every day, so I wasn’t really looking at my skin too closely. I guess the general perception as you get older is to focus more on anti wrinkle and filler – and not so much on the actual rejuvenation of your skin. Enter Profhilo – A product that promises to improve skin texture – as long as you’re willing to wait. But does it actually work and does it take that long?

Let’s keep this very real. Modifying my skin texture wasn’t really on my treatment to-do list and it wasn’t until my 4th week in clinic that I noticed Profhilo had developed a bit of a cult following. Traditionally used on the face, it’s becoming increasingly popular as a treatment for the neck and even hands. A couple of patients (you know who you are!) reported back on almost ‘instant’ results and were booking in for other areas of their bodies to be treated. One patient in particular looked more refreshed less than 48 hours after her treatment! It made me curious.

Getting Advice

If you’ve had an appointment with Dr Davina, you’ll know that she isn’t one to agree to a treatment just because you want it – there needs to be a reason and a good one at that. In fact, the whole culture at Look Lovely London is built on this principle. So when Davina herself said she was willing to take me on my journey into rejuvenation, I knew it was something I wanted to try (I suspect my ‘crepey’ situation might’ve been the topic of discussion on the group chat! 😆)

I won’t bore you with the technicalities of how this particular magic is performed. I just want to share the results.

  • Is my skin firmer? Yes
  • Is it a better texture than before? Yes
  • Does my skin glow? Yes
  • Have I knocked 5 years off the age of my skin? Without a doubt
  • Do I still want my routine anti wrinkle and filler? Of course! 😊

More importantly my skin feels…plumper! I’ve been tutted at for using this word in clinic, but there’s no better word to describe it! It’s 100% more plump and cushiony. Not exactly a technical description but that’s the reality. My make up goes on better and I feel like I have a more youthful appearance. Want to see the process? Check it out here

The bottom line?

For me, this treatment works – and I’m saying this through gritted teeth. I really didn’t want to buy into the clinic hype – but it’s it not hype, it’s the real deal. Would I have it again? Without a shadow of a doubt.

Is Profhilo right for you? Why not book a consultation with us and see!

Please note: This blog is not to be used for diagnostic purposes. We are all unique which means that our results will vary. Always seek the advice of a professional to discuss your health and cosmetic concerns