Anti-Wrinkle Treatment

Anti-Wrinkle Treatment

Anti-Wrinkle Injections: Aftercare & Recovery In an ideal world, no beauty treatment would involve any downtime at all. When we’re investing time and money into looking (and, more importantly, feeling) our very best, facing a few days, weeks – or, in the case of more invasive surgical options, months – of R&R, patience, and squinting…

How do Anti-Wrinkle Injections Work? When you first notice those tell-tale signs of ageing, it can quickly start to feel like you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, you want to take drastic action, send those fine lines and wrinkles back where they came from and only see what…

The parties, the lack of sleep, the hectic routine, the empty celebrations box… Our skin always likes to remind us that we forgot to take care of it during the blurry festive period where no one quite knew what day of the week it was. Luckily, we have some treatment recommendations on hand to help rescue your…

Anti wrinkle injections for your shoulders? Trap Tox Most of you know me as active, running up and down the stairs, chatting away and carrying out lots of procedures. I’m basically on the go for most of the day. However, since my teenage years I have endured persistent back pain. I have a poor posture…

On March 27th we woke up to a changed world with regards to anti-wrinkle treatments. Our previously loved product which we knew offered fantastic results- Azzalure was rapidly diminishing in supply across the UK and the boxes could only be sourced in small numbers. By April 1st (no joke) there was a nationwide halt in…

Sculptra® is growing in popularity here at the clinic. How are our clients finding the experience? One of our long-standing clients gave us her account of her experience “I’ve been going to LLL for over 10 years now so when I heard about a collagen-stimulating treatment that would revitalise my skin, volumise hollow areas and…

I have to admit that as someone who loves the general maintenance anti wrinkle injections (and maybe a touch of filler here and there) I wasn’t sold on the idea of Profhilo. I love the instant results a treatment can provide, so the thought of waiting some 6 weeks for the final results to take…

If you want a gentle treatment to smooth out fine lines, lift and revitalise loose sagging skin while restoring facial volume we have an exciting new treatment for you!We’re launching a new and improved non-invasive collagen stimulating injectable treatment that will contour the face helping you looked years younger, in a natural and subtle way….