Long gone are the days when ‘getting work done’ was synonymous with surgery, or extreme transformations that compromised the face’s natural contours, structure, and beauty.
The vast majority of us do not want our cosmetic treatments to speak for themselves. We want gentle yet tangible results. We also want those results to work with our natural beauty, maintain our facial structure, and give off an air of good health, youthfulness, and vitality that age and stress may have begun to undermine.
Fortunately, revolutionary developments in the world of non-surgical cosmetic procedures are designed with this nuance in mind; they seek to revive lost collagen and structure, and to rejuvenate the face in a way that screams “long weekend in St Tropez”, rather than “overnight stay and six weeks’ recovery”.
With that in mind, achieving the best results still relies on you choosing an excellent practitioner who understands the subtleties of facial anatomy, and holds the wealth of experience necessary to realise the full benefit dermal fillers can offer.
Dr Davina Wilson and the team have considerable experience in offering patients the best outcome from their procedures. Here are a few of the ways dermal fillers can be used to achieve natural results.

What Are Dermal Fillers?
Dermal fillers are an incredibly popular injectable solution of hyaluronic acid, which is a substance that occurs naturally within the body – and particularly within the skin’s collagen stores, where it can create a firmness, elasticity, and a smoother texture.
Unfortunately, as we age, this collagen is gradually lost, which is why we all begin to experience visible changes in our faces, from fine lines and wrinkles to sagging, and a more hollow, undefined appearance. This process begins from the age of around twenty-five, but it tends to become more obvious in our thirties.
By introducing this hyaluronic acid back into targeted areas within the face through a series of non-invasive injections, we can offer patients significant, natural results that reverse the signs of ageing, and add plumper, more youthful look back into the face.
Dermal fillers can be used to improve lost depth around the delicate eye area (tear troughs), to smooth out wrinkles that appear along the nose to mouth area (nasolabial folds), or restore cheek contouring. They can also be used to create greater definition around the chin, jawline, and temples, and add more fullness back into the lips.
They can also be used as an effective alternative to the surgical rhinoplasty, and offer a non-invasive option for anyone looking to ‘smooth out’ any bumps in the bridge of their nose.
Dermal fillers typically last for up to 18 months, but returning for yearly ‘top-up’ treatments often encourages the body to begin to produce more of its own natural collagen over time.
Remember that Less is More
It is a common misconception among new patients and inexperienced practitioners alike that achieving obvious results requires a large amount of filler.
In reality, remarkable results can be achieved with very little filler, sometimes only 1-2 ml. When treating lips at the clinic, we use 1ml, which is 1/5th of a teaspoon. However, this amount can give lips a noticeably plumper more contoured look. We always avoid the trout pout or sausage over-filled look.
Capturing your natural beauty does not need to rely on large quantities of filler – or any other cosmetic treatment or surgery, for that matter. The right approach is much more nuanced and requires a great deal more finesse than using as much filler as possible in problematic areas.
Consider Your Entire Face – Not Just the Specific Area That Bothers You
We are all guilty of occasionally standing a little too close to the mirror, and scrutinising every part of our faces individually – looking for those imperfections that, under bright lighting and intense magnification, make us unhappy.
Other people, however, do not look at us in the same way. They see the entirety of our face, from its shape and structure to the natural flow of our features.
As such, focussing your attention on improving one area of your face is not the way to achieving the most natural results. Those experienced in performing these procedures have the right eye for understanding facial anatomy, and how best to work with your face as a whole, rather than as a collection of separate pieces.
An example of taking a more holistic approach to assessing the face is when we focus on the nose to mouth lines ( nasolabial folds). These folds develop as soft tissue and structures from around the mid-face area and cheeks have dropped down. If the practitioner only focuses on injecting filler in the grooves, the actual cause root of the problem (the sagging from above) has not been treated, which can lead to short-lasting or unnatural results. The experienced practitioner knows the most important areas in the face to treat to support other facial structures and create a lift.
Any procedure needs to be approached from a broader perspective – one that understands both the science and the artistry necessary for maintaining balance, and ensuring that you feel comfortable with the results.
Remember that Not All Fillers are Created Equal…
Owing to the incredible popularity of filler injections, there is a huge variety of products on the market – many of which will vary drastically in price, and the nature and quality of the ingredients used. While many will be perfectly safe and capable of producing good results, others may not have been created under strict conditions for quality control and hygiene and could cause significant problems for you if they are injected into your face.
Any good practice will utilise only the highest quality products on the market. We source our fillers from leading companies, including Luminera, Merz and Galderma. These products are extensively tested, 100% vegan, and subject to stringent quality control to ensure that every patient is kept safe and that their investment into their appearance is not wasted.
Respected clinics will always value the safety of their patients, and will invest in high-quality fillers to ensure that the results live up to your expectations.
…And neither are practitioners
Dermal fillers are a fantastic option for anyone unhappy with a lack of volume, elasticity, firmness or definition in their face. Still, they require a great deal of skill and understanding from your practitioner, and this proficiency is not something that you will find everywhere.
Achieving natural results is dependent on you putting your trust into the hands of practitioners who understand the ins and outs of the procedure itself, and who hold an impeccable track record of performing this treatment on patients who were pleased with the results. Dr. Wilson also trains other doctors in advanced aesthetics as she has 11 years of injecting experience.
Perform your due diligence by checking out honest client reviews, before and after photographs, and taking a look at the certifications that the practice holds. If they have managed to build up a loyal clientele, then this is an excellent sign that they are consistently meeting the high expectations of their customers, and that they are trusted and respected within the community.
Book a Consultation Ahead of Your Appointment

Any worthwhile clinic will ensure that you are going into the process with your eyes open and that you understand what you should expect to achieve from the procedure. There, you will be able to discuss any concerns or questions and explain to your practitioner what results you would like to see.
Similarly, they will be able to take a good look at your facial anatomy, listen to your thoughts, and explain to you what they believe they will be able to achieve during your first procedure, and never over-sell.
Rushing into any cosmetic procedure – whether it is dermal fillers or a four-hour surgery – is never advisable, and your doctor will not want to proceed with the treatment before they are confident that you are realistic about the results and ready for the procedure itself.
If your practitioner is willing to rush straight into performing the treatment, then they will have skipped many important steps. In a way, this is akin to going into the procedure blind; they may inject too much, or focus too closely on one specific area without considering your entire face. We always carry out a free consultation before a treatment. You are encouraged to take time, if you need, before booking in for the procedure knowing all your options.
As with any procedure, the value of the results lies in the preparation as much as it does the treatment itself. Natural results are achieved through a certain amount of finesse, and a level of care which is lost when the practitioner rushes through the treatment.
Get in Touch for More Information
At Look Lovely London, our dermal filler treatments are guided by Dr. Davina Wilson, who has over a decade’s worth of experience in working with our patients’ unique facial anatomy to achieve natural, pleasing results. We only use high-quality products and equipment, all of which meet with FDA standards and have amassed a loyal clientele – some of whom have been returning to our clinic for further treatments for years.
Whether you are hoping to add more fullness into certain areas, improve your profile, or smooth out wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, our practitioners understand how to compliment your natural beauty with fillers, while producing lovely results.
If you are interested in learning more about dermal fillers and how they could help you to look and feel more confident in your skin, then get in touch to book a consultation with us at a time that suits you. We will never pressure you into any treatment, and will always work to ensure that you feel confident in the treatment before we begin.